How to Look Good in LinkedIn Profile Pictures
At the risk of stating the obvious, in LinkedIn profile pictures, most of us want to project confidence, credibility and competence. Of course we do. It’s a professional network. We want to look like we can do the job. And do it well. But many of us might be underestimating how important it is to look likeable too.
A study carried out in 2010 by Barrik, Swider, and Stewart of Texas A&M University revealed that candidates who are most likely to be hired are the ones who are perceived to be likeable, competent and similar to the interviewer.
What does this finding tell us? That hiring managers are human beings. They search for a candidate with the right skills, experience, and qualifications. A professional. But - on an unconscious level - they also look for a new member of their tribe. Someone who will fit in with the team. Get along with others. Be nice to talk to around the water cooler. Confidence alone doesn’t win jobs. Paired up with likability, however, it’s a hiring magnet.
Let’s now see what you can do to look both confident and likeable in your LinkedIn profile pictures.
Your LinkedIn photo plays a very important role in helping you establish your image. And while you want to come across as professional, confident and self-assured, you also want to show your more human side, as an open, friendly and likeable person. Confidence and likeability is the winning combination if you want to “make friends and influence people”. Hopefully, these LinkedIn photo tips will help you make the most of your profile and get the job, client or business partner you’re looking for.