Speak Up Without Freaking Out
Mark Twain once said: “There are two types of speakers: those who are nervous and those who are liars.” While most of us are comfortable speaking when sitting safely in a crowd, as soon as we stand up to speak before an audience, we become anxious.
Many are puzzled by this. “Why do freak out when I have to speak up? I know my stuff. I know what I want to say. Why am I so nervous? It doesn’t make sense.”
Actually, from the evolutionary perspective, it makes a lot of sense. Fear is a very appropriate reaction to facing a group of strangers. Back in the stone age, whenever you noticed several sets of eyes watching you intently, they were probably thinking if you’d make a tasty dinner that evening.
And your brain still remembers it. This is why, whenever you stand up to speak, it goes on red alert and triggers physiological reactions that will help you deal with the threat. Your breathing and heart rate speed up to deliver more oxygen to the muscles. Your pupils dilate to take in as much visual information as possible. Your blood gets pulled away from the surface of your skin to provide a layer of protection in case you bleed. You’re now ready to rock and roll! The name of the game? Freeze, fight or flight.
So what can we do about fear? Can we lose it? Beat it? Avoid it altogether? Afraid not. But we can learn to manage it.
Fear is not a bad thing. It’s a biological response that keeps us from approaching the lion to ruffle his mane. Or doing other stupid things. Like telling the truth when your boss asks how you liked his latest presentation on health and safety in the workplace. You need fear. But not too little and not too much of it. Too little fear often ends up in a “I don’t give a damn” attitude. Too much fear messes with our confidence and hurts our performance. So how can we bring down fear to acceptable levels? Here are some proven techniques:
Public speaking anxiety can be debilitating. It might undermine your self esteem. Reduce your chances of professional success. And make you miss opportunities that present themselves to those who have the courage to speak up. So start speaking. Even if you think you’re not ready. Try out the techniques I’ve described. See which one works for you best. Do it now. Action will gradually chip away at the fear you feel today.